Wednesday 22 August 2012

Quick Gift!

I keep seeing lots and lots of these beautiful typographical quotes all over the internet and pinterest. I love them and have a whole bunch saved.

I needed to create a quick gift for a couple of my friends when I visited them this month, I decided to frame one and decorate the frame. Each month in my church we visit and share a message with a few of the other ladies - this month the subject was caring for one another, so the saying fitted well!

Super quick and easy!

Frame (pack of three from Salisbury's £6)
Printout (cannot remember where I first found it... but here it is!
Two paper flowers (inked to match the colours)
Sparkly button (from my button box)
Double Sided tape - red extra sticky stuff

Just print your quote, and pop in the frame, the stick two layers of flower and the button on the outside of the frame! Quick, easy and cute homemade gift! Something like this would make a cute teacher gift too!

I also treated my good friends to some cake... as we all need cake!

Ice-cream cone cupcakes, great for kids (of any age!). Both ladies I was going to see had Grand kids visiting today... that will really appreciate these!

I can post a tutorial on these cupcakes if anyone is interested?

Enjoy your day,

Michelle x

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